
The Sims FreePlay CSP - Audience and Industries

  Audience Read  this App Store description and the customer reviews for The Sims FreePlay  and answer the following questions:   1) What game information is provided on this page? Pick out three elements you think are important in terms of making the game appeal to an audience. Gameplay, Story and Graphics/good visuals. 2) How does the game information on this page reflect the strong element of participatory culture in The Sims? The Sims can have fandoms who create fan art or mods to the game to enhance their entertainment and love for the game they are very important to the game itself The Sims its almost like the heart of the game it keeps it going and beating and if there are no fans then the game would die. 3) Read a few of the user reviews. What do they suggest about the audience pleasures of the game? They enjoy the various updates and new elements that is added into the game like the pre teens or pregnancy DLC. It keeps the game fresh for them which is import...

Newspapers: The decline in print media

  Blog tasks: The decline in print media Part 1: Ofcom report into news consumption Read  this Ofcom report on the consumption of news in the UK  and answer the following questions (bullet points/short answers are fine): 1) Look at the headlines from the report on page 6. Pick three that you think are interesting and bullet point them here. Why did you pick those three in particular?   "TikTok’s reach for news has increased from 2020 (1%) to 2022 (7%). Half of its user base (for news) are aged 16-24."  It goes to show how TikTok was successful in reaching its target audience and bring in a much larger audience in 4-5 years compared to newspaper industry which has mostly failed in attaining that reach. Even using the app TikTok which is pulling in millions of views each post. "Reach of print/online newspapers has seen a decrease from 2020 (47%) to 2022 (38%)." This is an evident reason as to why print newspapers will die in the future not so much online news...

Media paper 2 mock exam - Learner response

  Paper 2 mock exam: Learner response 1) Type up your  feedback  in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). Marks: 45/84 Grade: C  WWW: Good attention on audience uses and gratifications, Good knowledge of CSP and detailed explanations of the CSP . EBI: More detailed analysis of GQ with specific examples, Consider how products do not convey ideologies eg genre, escapism etc, revise regulation, especially for PSBs! Make ethical reference to "cultural codes" 2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your  target grade  for A Level Media in this paper? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in Paper 2? I achieved a C which is one below my target grade (a B), To achieve a grade B I needed 6 more marks to achieve that. If I had done better on question 2 I believe I may have achieved that. These are the grade boundaries we've used, based on real AQA exam grade boundaries (out of 84):   ...

Media Paper 1 mock exam - Learner response

  Here, we need to closely analyse our performance across each question in   Paper 1   and identify specific ways we will improve for the real exam on   Monday 19 May (PM) . Complete the following   learner response   tasks in a new blogpost on your Media   Exam Blog   called 'Paper 1 mock exam learner response': 1) Type up any  feedback  in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW: This is a solid exam with the clear potential to improve in the summer EBI: Question focus in places, particularly Question 4         Revise terminology and CSPs so you can provide more detailed evidence in your answers.         Handwriting: make sure the examiner can read your points Now  re ad through the genuine AQA mark scheme . This is vital as the paper was an official exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce. 2) Write...

Video games index:

Henry Jenkins - fandom blog tasks OSP: Learner response Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Audience and Industry Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Language & Representations Videogames: Women in videogames & Further feminist theory Video games: The Sims Freeplay - Language and Representations   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Audience and Industry

  Audience Look at  this YouGov blog on the console gaming audience  and answer the following questions: 1) What statistics can you find for the number of male / female players for the major consoles? Male players dominate PlayStation and Xbox audiences, but Nintendo consoles attract a more balanced gender split. While specific numbers vary, Nintendo audiences are often closer to a 50/50 split, while Xbox and PlayStation skew male at around 60-70%. 2) What is the difference between 'hardcore' and 'casual' gamers - and which do you think would play Horizon Forbidden West? More casual gamers would play Horizon Forbidden West I do believe an explorable world with loads of dialogue and  real landmarks will attract the average not obsessed gamer. 3) What are the different reasons YouGov researched for why players play games? Which of these would apply to Horizon Forbidden West? Escaping reality. Entertainment, and emphasising and identifying with characters etc all o...

OSP learner response

 WWW: -Good use of theories and naming such theorists - Structured paragraphs helps develop your answer more smoothly -References to different stories that relate to the question EBI: -Misreading the question -Handwriting is a little rough -Explaining the theorist and how it links to the question _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________