
Showing posts from July, 2024

Magazine Index

  Magazine: Front cover practical Magazine cover LR: Magazines: Industries the appeal of print and independent magazines Magazines: Gentlewoman Audiences and industries Magazines: Gentlewoman Lang and rep Magazine GQ - Language & Representation Magazine GQ: Aud and Ind

Magazines GQ: Aud and Ind

  1) How does the media kit introduction describe GQ? To be GQ is to be forward-looking, progressive and cutting-edge. 2) What does the media kit suggest about masculinity?  As masculinity evolves and men's fashion has moved to the centre of the global pop-culture conversation, GQ's authority has never been broader or stronger. 3) Pick out  three  statistics from the data on page 2 and explain what they suggest about the GQ audience. - 1.8 million social followers: GQ has a large amount of its audience find it from its online presence.  - 61% ABC1: GQ's audience is mostly upper middle class. - £7.7K average annual spend on fashion: GQ's audience are highly interested in fashion, which the magazine takes into account. 4) Look at page 3 - brand highlights. What special editions do GQ run and what do these suggest about the GQ audience? - GQ Heroes: It "brings together gamechangers, creative radicals, deep thinkers and cultural icons", suggesting how its audience

MIGRAIN: Representing ourselves - identity in the online age

 Q1: What makes you who you are is the appearance you put on whether it is social media platforms like Instagram or in real life you see who you are through other peoples lenses and you change or stay depending on their opinion/impression of you. Q2: PlayStation-Each game feels different and has unique sense of identity it helps you understand different beliefs and ideas OR Lidl-I like the bakery it makes me feel good OR Lego-It inspires kids of ages 2-15 to work and build on something perhaps small but attainable cherishable and loving you work to better it and throughout this process you understand the importance of hard work and patience.

Industries: Public Service Broadcasting

 Q1:Audience viewing habits continue to change rapidly and competition from global content providers is ever-increasing. finsh

Magazines: Gentlewoman Lang & Rep

1) What are the different magazine genres highlighted on page 2 and how do they link to our magazine CSPs? There is: General interest, special interest and professional. GQ magazine falls under general interest.  2) Look at the section on GQ on page 2. How do they suggest that GQ targets its audience? They target men through fashion and image, but also appealing to their intelligence and needs for information about culture. 3) What does the factsheet say about GQ cover stars? GQ suggests that they choose their cover stars very carefully. 4) Pick out five of the key conventions of magazine front covers and explain what they communicate t o an audience. •The Masthead, the publication name, is at the top, using a sans serif font type for maximum impact. Price, month and year are conventionally added, as is a barcode. • The main coverline is not related to the image but offers different content of interest, with varying size, colours and styles of typography. • Pull quotes such as “I was d

Magazines: Gentlewoman Aud & Ind

 Q1: The gentlewoman fights back at these conventions. Its minimalist covers are so different. The only text is the title, subtitle and name of the said person in photo. Which is took as kind of like a portrait made to look like a painting. Q2: Representation in the gentlewoman is pleasingly wide ranging, the gentlewoman does a pretty good job of presenting a spectrum of womanhood this includes playing with gender performativity and stereotype such as suits being worn by woman. Q3: The woman are from a variety of races and age the magazine going global due to its creativity. Q4: The GW club is a society of woman and men who demand quality and creativity from their magazines . The club is real. Q5: Clay shirkey or David Gaunlett about media consumers. Q6:  A glimpse into celebrity or high fashion lifestyle at the cost of 11 pounds. Q7: A small but efficient team consists of Gert Bonkres and Jop van Bennekom Q8:  The gentlewoman’s liberal use of cross-  platform social media  helps deepe

Magazines: Industries - the appeal of print and independent magazines

 Q1:  The independent print magazine is characterised as “published without the financial support of a large corporation or institution in which the makers control publication and distribution…“independent” in spirit due to a maverick editor or publisher who leads the magazine in an exploratory, non commercial direction”. Q2:  A small but growing body of evidence suggests that small printed magazines are quietly thriving even as the global newspaper and book industries falter Q3:  Magazines produced by large companies like Bauer Media and News Limited in Australia are struggling to keep readers from moving online. In contrast, those behind independent magazines use digital developments to their advantage, and have a strong online presence. These creators set their own terms and rely on collaboration to achieve them. Q4:  Independent magazines resourcefully utilise technological advances as well as social media to operate. Thanks to developments in areas such as digital printing and ele

Magazine cover LR:

 WWW:    You have created and submitted a magazine cover and this will be a really valuable experience before starting the real coursework. You have clearly done some planning and evaluation but more in this area is another good lesson for the future. EBI:    Overall, this is a long way short of professional-level work and ultimately that is what we’re aiming for next year. The evaluation task to place your cover next to two real examples is designed to highlight this ambition and I think if you’d done this you would have seen real differences in terms of font/typography, image quality and magazine cover conventions. This is not part of your coursework so the key here is to learn from this experience and make sure that your coursework next year is pushing towards the top levels. It is likely we will be designing a music magazine alongside a video production so we will need to consider conventions, image quality and page design very carefully. My strengths in my opinion was the picture

GQ - Language & Representation

 Q1: These types of covers for a wider array of audiences typically displaying many different subjects such as food, fashion or any other hobby. It is more typically for niche and quiet audience specialised only for them or a profession like football or tennis. Q2:   “Since 1957, GQ has inspired men to look sharper and live smarter with its unparalleled coverage of style, culture, and beyond.” The statement of GQ about its brand values says a lot about what they know about their audience. They are targeting men through fashion and image, but also appealing to their intelligence and needs for information about culture. “Beyond” is vague, but the magazine also covers politics, technology and trends. It employs leading writers and experts on a wide variety of topics appealing to activators, achievers, and seekers. Q3:  GQ selects their cover stars very carefully. In the December 2022 edition, they chose Marcus Rashford, a Manchester United footballer. However, this is not the cover line t