EXAM BLOG 1 FOR MR HULSEY Q1:Saussre divided sign into two parts the signifies and the signified those two components made up a sign Q2:Polysemy is the co-existent of many possible meanings for a word or phrase Q3: Society as a whole can come to an understanding about one word or phrase and understand that as one concept Q4:hermenutic probiotic,semantic, symbolic,and cultural are the five narrative codes Q5: The continuous death of the main character symbolizes how quick and fast death may come and at random times Q6: Q7: Ions and indexes are so important in media texts as they allow producers to communicate with their audience . Q8:Symbols are supposed to be culturally learned by an audience. Other countries may not understand what that symbol may mean which causes confusion. Q9: Here the brand wants people to know that their soap kills bacteria and rids everything however they go about it the wrong way which causes confusion and controve...