

Q1:Saussre divided sign into two parts the signifies  and the signified those two components made up a sign

Q2:Polysemy  is the co-existent of many possible meanings for a word or phrase

Q3: Society as a whole can come to an understanding about one word or phrase and understand that as one concept

Q4:hermenutic probiotic,semantic, symbolic,and cultural are the five narrative codes

Q5: The continuous death of the main character symbolizes how quick and fast death may come and at random times 


Q7: Ions and indexes are so important in media texts as they allow producers to communicate with their audience.

Q8:Symbols are supposed to be culturally learned by an audience. Other countries may not understand what that symbol may mean which causes confusion.


 Here the brand wants people to know that their soap kills bacteria and rids everything however they go about it the wrong way which causes confusion and controversy. This is a bad advertisement.


Heres a good example of an advertisement with a good meaning and a good method to convey their message.


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