
Showing posts from January, 2024

MIGRAIN: Hesmondhalgh - The Cultural Industries

Q1: The activity that deals primarily with symbolic goods is what cultural industries. Q2:  The congratulate companies that earn off the small and poor companies to boost their profit and become bigger its inevitable that small companies are bought out. Q3:In order to expose the evils of capitalism and the greed of the rich however even the rich earn off  projects that support other ideals rather than capitalism  Q4: Difficulty in predicting success, high production costs, low reproduction costs, and the fact that media products are 'public goods.  Q5: 9/10 of the media products made fail leaving a 10% chance of success Hesmonhaldgh calls it a "risky business" especially for low-budget or small media companies Q6: The media companies need the profit to create more products so it makes sense to make them only for money and profit. However creative media products could bring the next trend and bring in profits in the thousands  Q7: The new tre...

'Assessment 1: learner response'

 WWW: This is a very solid first media assessment:well done! Your answers offer detail and show focus on the texts.Now we need to add a little exam technique and media theory to open uip the top levels/grades. EBI: Media theory :more narrative theory in Q1 and genre theory for Q3. Neale and Aberscromie would be perfect for Q3 -revise these.  One area for adding is narrative and genre theory both of these theories could drastically improve my grades I could do better and i will try revise these terms to get better grades. October assessment learner response


Regulation Q1 Regulation is basically rules set by the government that try help diversify media and free speech it is very tiresome to sometimes set in as there are certain audiences sometimes not amused by the regulations as it goes against their political agenda Q2:The regulator for the communications services that we use and rely on each day Q3: CRIME DISORDER HATRED AND ABUSE i feel like this code is the most important code in OFCAM list helps us take away certain hate crimes and racism with the community. Q4: Perhaps children who are watching TV near their bed time might come across the show and it might horrify them due to the gore and violence in the movie it might even influence them aswell which is very bad for society.  Q5: Accuracy,Privacy,Harassment,Children,Intrusion into grief or shock Q6: There are no consumers rights for

Audience theory 2: blog tasks

 Sometimes media can have an impact on behaviour such as cyber bullying which could mentally affect thousands of people across the world but topics like these aren't talked about since it scares and fears people it sedates them with knowledge that frightens them but they don't want to speak up  Video games and Tiktok are prime examples of kids being influenced to do things like dancing or violence and fighting it guides them to certain actions and attitudes but sometimes it could teach the kids valuable and heartwarming lessons that help them in their journey at life. Columbine shooting-The media overthrew the public and shoved them with scapegoats such and Marilyn Manson and his music or video games that promote violence Area 51:The media told everyone that aliens were being kept in a US army base which terrified the people thus it starting a massive uproar on social media which people wanted to be replicated in real life which in turn brought the US army to come in and stomp...

MIGRAIN: Industries - Ownership and control

Ownership and control  Viacom which was recently bought by CBS has a lot of large companies they've bought 1 Paramount Pictures Corporation (Filmed Entertainment) 2 CBS Entertainment Group. 3 Domestic Media Networks. 3.1 Entertainment and Youth Group. ... 4 Viacom CBS Ad Solutions. 5 Consumer Products, Recreation, and Live Events. 6 Networks International. 7 Simon & Schuster. ... 8 Global Distribution Group the biggest names in the batch they've bought show how large their company is however it isn't a monopoly  Q5:I agree I believe that if companies get too big competition and confidence for other companies will flop and not be able to grow or if they grow to a decent sized company then they'll be bought out by other big companies who won't allow such freedom and growth warehousing, inventory management, packing, shipping, and delivery . Q6: Advertising, sponsorship, product placement, and direct sales. are all forms of funding models  Q7 :   Vertical integrati...


 INDEX FOR MEDIA: Introduction to media:10 questions Semiotics Language:Reading an image-media codes # Media consumption audit Reception Theory Genre: Factsheets and Genre study questions Narrative:Factsheet questions Audience classification-physcographics presentation notes October assessment learner response Audience theory 1 Audience theory 2- the effects debate Ownership and control Hesmondhalgh- The Cultural Industries Regulation